Calendar of the General Council and Directors of Secretariats
June 30 – July 3:Marist Youth Festival 'AWAKEN' in Sydney, Australia: Br Tony Leon, Brothers Today Secretariat director.
July 1: Second formation programme for participants of Lavalla200> (International Communities for a New Beginning) are commissioned at Notre Dame de L’Hermitage, France: superior general Brother Emili Turú, and formation leaders Brothers Jeff Crowe and Ángel Medina.
July 1:Workshop in El Salvador: Br Javier Espinosa, director of the Secretariat of the Laity.
July 3 – 4:FMSI strategic planning group meeting in Rome: Marzia Ventimiglia and Brother Alvaro Sepúlveda of FMSI.
July 3 – 9:Retreat for the Brothers of the Norandina province in Rionegro, Colombia: general councillor Brother Ernesto Sánchez.
July 4 -10:Encounter of the spirituality network in Mexico: Br Javier Espinosa.
July 6 – 7:FMSI Board meeting at the general house: Econome general Br Libardo Garzón and general councillor Br Michael De Waas.
July 7 – 13:Accompaniment course for discernment at the General House: Br Tony Leon, Brothers Today Secretariat director.
July 9 – 15:District of Melanesia Assembly and Chapter in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea: general councillor Brother Michael De Waas.
July 10 – 28: Commission of the revision of the Constitution meeting to elaborate third draft: general councillor Brother Josep Maria Soteras.
July 11:Workshop for provinces of Mexico and Canada, in Mexico: Br Javier Espinosa.
July 17:arrival of the new FMSI International Fundraiser & Projects coordinator, Federica Debenedittis, in Rome.
July 22 – 29: African Marist Gathering on Initial Formation (for formators and vocation ministry directors) in Nairobi, Kenya: Brothers Today Secretariat directors, Brothers Tony Leon and Hipólito Pérez, and Brothers Ernesto Sánchez, general councillor.
July 24 – 29:Visit to International Novitiate in Tudella, Sri Lanka:General councillor Brother Michael De Waas.
July 25 – 31: Visit to Three2Six Project and Lavalla200>Atlantis in Southern Africa: Brother Chris Wills, director of Commission for Mission, International.
July 31 – Aug. 03: Meeting of Conference of the Superiors of the African Continent (CSAC) in Nairobi, Kenya: Brother Antonio Ramalho, general councillor.
Aug. 7 – 11:Gathering of European younger brothers in L’Hermitage, France: general councillor Brother Antonio Ramalho and director of Brothers Today Secretariat Brother Tony Leon.
Aug. 11 – 14:Bicentenary celebration of West Central Europe at L’Hermitage, France: general councillor Brother Antonio Ramalho and Brother Tony Leon, director of Brothers Today Secretariat.
Aug. 19 – 31:Workshops in Ghana and Cameroon. Br Javier Espinosa.
Aug. 20:arrival of the new FMSI Child Rights & Advocacy Officer, Brother Rick Carey, in Rome
Aug. 20 – 31:Visit to México Central Province: General councillor Brother Víctor Preciado.
Aug. 21 – 24:International Council of Economic Affairs, Escorial, Spain: Br. Libardo Garzón
Aug 30 – Sept. 7: Meeting of theProvisional Committee of the XXII General Chapter in Rionegro (Medellín), Colombia: Bros. Joe McKee, Vicar General and Ernesto Sánchez, General Councillor.
Sept. 8 – Oct. 20: XXII General Chapter in Rionegro, Colombia: General Council, superior general Brother Emili Turú, vicar general Brother Joe McKee, econome general Brother Libardo Garzón, Brothers Tony Leon, Hipólito Pérez and Carlos Alberto Rojas, and Luiz da Rosa.