2018-04-30 GENERAL HOUSE

Calendar of the General Council and directors of Secretariats

April 26 –  May 02: meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, of the Board of the Catholic International Education Office (OIEC) – Br Carlos Alberto Rojas, director of the Secretariat of Mission.

April 27 – May 02: encounter of brothers aged 30 – 45 of the América Sur region in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia – Br Óscar Martín Vicario, general councillor.

April 30– May 01: encounter of provincials and district superior of Asia in Singapore – Br Sylvain Ramandimbiarisoa, general councillor.

April 30 – May 04: SEDOS seminar in Nemi, Italy, on the theme "Youth and Mission" – Br Ernesto Sánchez, superior general, and Br Mark Omede, assistant director of the Secretariat of Mission.

May 03: FMSI meeting with representatives of BICE and with the De La Salle Brothers in their general house on the project ‘Tutores de Resilencia en Haití, Líbano y Granada’ – Marzia Ventimiglia, director of FMSI, and Br Álvaro Sepúlveda, FMSI's children's rights advocate.

May 05: Concert organized by FMSI in favor of Syrian children, with the Italian singer Ambrogio Sparagna at the Marist school San Leone Magno in Rome – Br Ernesto Sánchez, superior general; Br Josep Maria Soteras, Br Óscar Martín and Br Sylvain Ramandimbiarisoa, general councillors; members of FMSI.

May 07 – July 07: formation programme for Lavalla200> international communities. The first week (from May 7 to 11) will take place at the general house, then in San Martino a Monte (Italy) until June 30 and it will end with a week in ND de L'Hermitage – Br Jeff Crowe and Angel Medina, formators of Lavalla200, will accompany the programme. Br Óscar Martín, on behalf of the general council, and the team of Cmi, Br Valdícer Fachi and Br Chris Wills, will animate some guiding dynamics for the participants.

May 07 – 18: assemblies of Child Rights Connect, World Vision, Catholic International Centre, Global Church Partners Forum and UN activities in Geneva, Switzerland –  Br Rick Carey and Br Álvaro Sepúlveda, FMSI.

May 07 – 09: gathering of Marist publishing houses in Curitiba and São Paulo, Brazil – Br Libardo Garzón, econome general and Br Carlos Alberto Rojas, director of the Secretariat of Mission.

May 11: meeting of the superior generals of the four Marist branches, in the general house of the Marist Fathers – Br Ernesto Sánchez, Superior general.

May 13 – 27: visit to the Southern Africa province – Brothers Libardo Garzón, Econome General, and Mark Omede, assistant director of the Secretariat of Mission.

May 15: meeting of the Education Commission of the Union of Superiors General – Br Carlos Alberto Rojas, director of the Secretariat of Mission.

May 15 – July 12: programme for current formators, in the general house – Br Óscar Martín, general councillor, Br Tony Leon, director of the Brothers Today secretariat and the formation teams of El Escorial and Manziana. Presentations by Brother Ernesto Sánchez, superior general, Br Óscar Martin and Br João Carlos do Prado, general councillors.

May 19 – 20: FOCSIV annual meeting – Marzia Ventimiglia, director of FMSI

May 21 – 25: participation in the De La Salle seminar entitled Rights, Citizenship and School, in Rome – Br Álvaro Sepúlveda.

May 23 – 25: meeting of the Union of Superiors General in Ariccia, Italy – Br Ernesto Sánchez, superior general.

May 29 – 31: visit to the community of the general house –  Br Ernesto Sánchez, superior general, and general councillors.


June 04 – July 12: plenary session of the General Council.

June 05: meeting of the Fratelli Project Council, in Rome – Br Óscar Martin, general councillor, Br Chris Wills and Br Valdícer Fachi, of the Collaboration for Mission, International Secretariat.

June 06: feast of the founder, Saint Marcellin Champagnat.

June 07 – 08: meeting of the European Commission of Mission, in Alcalá de Henares – Secretariat of Mission.

June 07 – 09: meeting of the general councils of the four Marist branches, in Nemi.

June 11 – 15: encounter of Brother Ernesto Sánchez and his general council with the previous superior general and general council at the general house.

June 11 – 15: meeting of the International Commission of the Marist Patrimony at the general house – Br Tony Leon, director of the Brothers Today secretariat.

June 12 – 16: formation meeting in South Africa for project management and fundraising for South and East Africa – Br Rick Carey, FMSI.

June 18 – 19: session of the board of directors of the International Catholic Child Bureau (BICE) in Paris, France Br Alvaro Sepúlveda, FMSI.

June 18 – 22: meeting of Brother Ernesto Sánchez and the general council with the secretariats for the Institute’s strategic planning.

June 27 – 30: gathering of the preparation commission of the International Meeting of Marist Youth, in Guatemala – Br Carlos Alberto Rojas and Br Mark Omede, Secretariat of Mission.


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