Champagnat Marists walking together
In order to foster further vitality of the charism of Champagnat Marists among the laity, the Philippine Sector of the East Asia Province designated a core team of Lay Leaders to form the Philippine Sector Laity Committee.
The team’s task is to ensure the promotion of the vocation of the Champagnat Lay Marists, the deepening of the new relationship of brothers and lay people, and the animation of missions of making Jesus known and loved in the way of Mary.
The Laity Committee had its meeting last March 14-15, 2017 to organize for the Philippine Sector a Brothers-Lay Joint Formation scheduled on May 18-21, 2017.
Elma Rafil, Ivy Yecyec, Evangeline Cadeliňa, Shiela Sabulao and Agnes Reyes prepared the module contents and the processes for the Joint Formation gathering. Br. Allan de Castro, and Br. Ador Santiago, the link councilor for the laity, were present to accompany the team in the preparation.