2009-07-06 BRAZIL

Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family

On 20/21 June, the provincial meeting of the Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family (ChMMF) took place at the ?Recanto Medianeira? Reception House in Veranopolis, Brazil. 152 persons from Rio Grande do Sul came together ? Brothers and members of the Fraternities.

The ChMMF was officially recognized in 1985 by the XVIII General Chapter of the Institute held in Rome. Article 164.4 of our Constitutions defines it thus: « ? an extension of our Institute; it is a movement for people who find themselves attracted to the spirituality of Marcellin Champagnat? »

The Animation Team of the ChMMF, composed of Br. Paulo Lorenzoni and Fraternity members: Antônio and Elenice Revers, Reni Giaretta Oleksinski and Sérgio Luís Schons, established the following objectives for the meeting:
1. To come to greater knowledge of the Institute, the Province, and the Commission for Consecrated Life and Laity.
2. To engage in reflection on our progress as Champagnat Movement, at the personal level and on those of the Fraternity and provincial direction.
3. To provide the current provincial government with the Movement?s lines of animation for the Commission for Consecrated Life and Laity, and to assist the new government.
4. To celebrate our life and Marist journey.

The evaluations received from the participants centred on the choice of places and the services of the Reception House; the time-tables of the work days; the vision presented of the Institute, the Province and the Commission for Consecrated Life and Laity; the methodology proposed, and the times of prayer. The « mark » received on all aspects was extremely positive.

The seriousness and depth with which the ?Frats? carried out the discernment, the evaluations, and the sharing are signs of the maturity of the Movement, which has already celebrated its nineteenth birthday in our Province.

The tribute paid to Br. Lauro Francisco Hoscheid was especially significant, because, for the whole of his term of government, he acted as assessor for the « F. José Pasin » Fraternity. Br. Lauro Francisco took part in all the movement?s meetings.

This meeting was, without doubt, a time of grace in the progress of the ChMMF; it indicated the way to go forward for the future.


29 Student Brothers and 8 Staff Brothers...


Meeting with General Administration Staff...