2014-04-04 GENERAL HOUSE

Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family

The European Council of the ChMMF is made up of one delegate per province of Europe, a delegate who is in principle the animator of the animation team of each province, and a Brother to accompany it.

Plan of the European Council of the ChMMF: 2014-2015

* To be linked to other provincial or regional commissions.

* To reinforce the communion and the life of the fraternities in keeping with their diversity, and to promote meetings between fraternities of different provinces according to their geographic situation.

* To further support the work of the animation teams of each province.

* To increase the frequency of meetings of the European Council by increasing communication by video- conference.

* To render the fraternities visible on the levels of the provincial and the European Council of Provincials. A meeting with the provincials of Europe is planned once a year.


Focus on mission...


Only 1000 days to go...