2011-05-27 AUSTRALIA

Champagnat week resources 2011

It’s been practice in the last couple of years to send schools a complete set of resources to help them prepare for and Celebrate the feast of St Marcellin Champagnat on 6th June and the days leading up to it. Last year was the first time this was done nationally across the MSA schools. Your school will have received this DVD Resource Disk last week.

Our theme this year is Around the same table – a place for all, and we are encouraging students and staff members in our schools to actively consider how they might keep doors and hearts open to all people, so that each person they meet might feel at home in their presence and be invited into Greater relationship with them. The simple table at La Valla represents for us the experience of Christ’s love shared by Marcellin and his early companions, and so we come to understand it is God gathered with us around our tables of common-union where each person finds a place.

Aside from the usual prayer resources, student lessons, graphics and video, this year we’re also running a Champagnat Week Design Competition with some great prizes for students in Upper Primary through to Senior Secondary. Perhaps there’s a student you’re connected with in a Marist school who would benefit from a gentle prod to submit something?

All the resources (except the high definition video files) and the design competition information are also available at www.msa.edu.au − look for the Champagnat Week 2011 box. Check out and contribute to student and staff blog concerning students’ design competition and classroom activity submissions.

Brother Michael Callinan fms
Mission and Life Formation Team


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