CHANGE: Challenges and future perspectives
Saturday 20 commenced around Mary, with invocations coming from the four corners of the earth, opposite banners representing her image in one of the central courtyards of the « São José » College. We were all there gathered around. The prayer subsequently finished in the gymnasium.
The morning was devoted to the communication of the General Government to the youth and other participants. Br Emili Turú, Superior General, began it with his talk : « mysticism and prophecy of young people ». He summed his address up in three words : service, silence and sisterhood. Called to live thevocation of the Church of service, the Church of the apron. To live in silence, that is, to put aside superficiality to make room for depth. And called also to live sisterhood (fraternity) with tenderness, which in itself is a way of evangelizing.
Then BrJohn Klein, Councillor General, spoke about « Challenges and future perspectives ». He proposed several points for the reflection of all : to be experts in evangelisation and in the defence and promotion of the rights of children and young people ; effective internationality ; communion between brothers and laity ; intentional community ; spirituality ; Marist youth ministry ; solidarity with the poor ; a new way of being Church ; new organisation of the Marist Institute, and Marist vocation.
Time was then given to the young people and other participants to pose their questions or express their concerns to the members of the General Council present.
In the afternoon, after a sports meeting between the youth and the volunteers, various workshops were offered as options : Marist spirituality in the life of the youth ; durability in the culture of well being ; youth – hearts in solidarity ; participation and leadership of young people ; youth ministry – building bridges ; life project – nourishing ‘dreams’ ; theological reality of youth…
The day ended with the celebration of the Sunday Mass and all the Brothers gathering to share supper together.