2013-07-20 BRAZIL

CHANGE: Jesus waits for us with open arms

At the beginning of Thursday 18/07, after morning prayer, Br Emili Turú, Superior General, greeted all the young people and persons present, expressing his regret at not having been able to take part in the inauguration  because of problems with flight connections. The day was centred on the « young community » ; each group formed at random, mixing cultures, countries and languages. The members sought first to identify themselves, then to express what « to make the difference » means, and to specify some significant challenge for youth today as regards living the faith. This challenge was presented during evening prayer, with the celebration of the light which presents Jesus « light » of the world, « light » of our lives.

The next day, very early, all the participants went to meet Christ the Redeemer, who was waiting for them with open arms on the hill of Corcovado. In the afternoon, they encountered Jesus in the social works for the poor, some of them situated in the « favelas ». The celebration in the evening centred on the memory of the martyrs and the calls to Marist youth.


Official opening of EIJM 2013...


CHANGE: Challenges and future perspectives...