CHANGE : make the difference !
The International Gathering Marist Youth 2013 (IGMY) will be held in the « Colégio Marista São José » – Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro – Brasil, from 17 to 22/07, in the week preceding the World Youth Day (WYD). The theme will be: «CHANGE : make the difference ! », and the motto, in communion with the WYD : « Go and make disciples of all nations» (Mt 28 :19). It involves a courageous invitation to undertake a change in ourselves, where we are, in order to increase good, solidarity and the Marist presence in the world. These days will provide unequalled riches through the sharing and exchange of experiences among young Marists from the five continents.
The Organizing Committee of the IGMY 2013 | CHANGE is presenting some information which will contribute to preparing the Provinces to take part in the event.
Download the Information – PDF (1,2 MB).
English | Español | Français | Português
May we walk boldly, like Fr Champagnat, to the meeting of Marist youth. We believe that youth are the theological place where « the lives and faces of young people (each and everyone) are places where this God of life reveals Himself to us and we come to know Him » (Evangelizers in the midst of youth, n° 79). We see the IMYM, the presence of the Pope and the WYD as opportunities for helping youth come closer to Jesus, « the way, the truth and the life » (Jn 14:6).
May Mary, our good Mother, enlighten us, bless us and protect us on our road towards the International Gathering Marist Youth 2013 | CHANGE !
Br. José de Assis Elias de Brito Co-ordinator General of IGMY 2013 | CHANGE
Br. João Carlos do PradoDirector of the Secretariat for Mission
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JMJ Rio de Janeiro 2013