2018-04-06 UNITED STATES

Chapter of the United States of America province

During the provincial chapter of the United States, held from March 22 – 25 in Wappinger Falls, New York, Brother Patrick McNamara assumed his role as provincial superior for three years – his second term in office – and the delegates from across the country chose their new provincial council.

The members of the new Provincial Council are Brothers Dan O’Riordan, Hank Hammer, Sean Sammon, Robert Clark, Owen Ormsby and Al Rivera.

Superior general Brother Ernesto Sánchez and general councillor Brother João Carlos do Prado attended on behalf of the general administration.

The chapter began with an opening speech of Br Ernesto, who called on the brothers and laity to focus “on who to be, rather than on what to do,” and asked them to “let go of things that are holding them back” and “to dream.”

Br Patrick also addressed the brothers (https://goo.gl/juLDpi), touching on education, evangelisation, and efforts to promote solidarity around the world.

After Mass celebrated by Marist Father Kevin Duggan and evening prayers, a lay American – Maureen Hagan – introduced a video from the Marist Young Adult community in which youth discuss their concerns on the future.

On March 24, the brothers elected their new provincial council, and the lay Marists that were attending discussed future goals and this summer’s lay Marist assembly.

​After a Eucharistic celebration, a video titled “Looking Ahead to the Future: Entering the Third Century of the Marist Institute”, was aired to help them reflect on the future’s hopes and challenges. ​

The evening prayer, titled “To journey with children and young people living on the margins of society” included the washing of hands to represent new beginnings, journeying together, and service to others.

The morning prayer held on March 25 under the theme “To respond boldly to emerging needs” was followed by the installation Mass of the new provincial council, coinciding with Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week.


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