He gave us the name of Mary

Emili Turú


This circular, which is the 412th of those written since our beginnings, is situated in a tradition going back to Saint Marcellin Champagnat, whose first circular was composed in 1828. Since then, in the style proper to each person and each period, we find them, in thousands of pages, with news about family, information, instructions, recommendations, reflections on our life and mission… In each case, they are the expression of a wish to build a family united around the essentials.

It seems interesting to me to note that the word circular, apart from the meaning we give it here, also refers to what pertains or relates to the circle. As we know, the round tables were a powerful symbol of listening and dialogue during our last General Chapter, which, little by little, has been extended throughout the whole Institute.

I hope that the following pages serve to continue building family and to maintain an open and constructive dialogue, as the co-responsible people we are for the mission that has been entrusted to us.


In her arms or in her heart...


Homes of light. Caring for life. Generating n...