?Coffee talks? on Marist life held in schools in Oviedo and Valencia
The Institute of Marist Studies, or IEM, held a series of ‘coffee talks’ in Oviedo and Valencia, Spain, for four days to describe the different Marist lifestyles to students.
The Auseva School of Oviedo held the colloquiums from Feb. 17 – 18 and the Sagrado Corazón School in Valencia from Feb. 22 – 23.
During the event, a third age brother, a lay Marist, a novice and a young brother described their evangelising work in the style of Champagnat.
The Institute, which forms part of the University of Salamanca, held the talks under the title ‘7th cycle of coffee talks of the IEM’.
The colloquiums subject this year was ‘Marist bicentenary: towards a new beginning’ ahead of the Institute’s bicentenary on Jan. 2.
“This Marist life that was communicated through the perspective of the brothers and laity of different ages, has been very positive, stated Fernando González Alonso, of the IEM.
The members of the IEM are Fernando, Jacinto Escudero Vidal and Brother Fernando Sánchez.