2018-07-03 GENERAL HOUSE

Collaboration for Mission, International (Cmi)

On July 3, after 6 years of working at the Secretariat Collaboration for the mission, international (Cmi), Brother Chris Wills returned to the Province of Australia. Brother Valdícer Fachi, from the Province of Brasil Sul-Amazônia, is the new director of the secretariat.

The secretariat was established in 2012 as a means of responding to the calls of the XXI General Chapter. Some of the proposals for action from the Chapter were:

  • To establish international and interprovincial communities which will be open to Marist Brothers and Lay Marists and serve in the vanguard of new areas of mission.
  • To strengthen the further development of Mission Ad Gentes in Asia, and open it out to other areas where a need is discerned.
  • To establish a Marist volunteer service in support of our mission, whose members are available to work in our ministries in need or to be mobilized for emergencies.

Responsibility for these and a fourth one – the development of greater international consciousness among Marists (Lay and Brother) – was delegated to CMI and its leader, Br Chris.

The Cmi has been critically involved in key Institute developments during his period in Rome: the establishment of the Fratelli Project, the development of the Lavalla200> International Communities and Formation programme, the management of international volunteering, to name just a few.

The key action word in the Secretariat’s name (“Collaboration”) highlights the centrality of relationships in all that is its responsibility. Br. Chris has spent much time developing these collaborative relationships – with other Secretariats, Provinces, Districts, Marist laymen and women and Brothers, other Congregations and International Agencies.

On his return to Australia, Br. Chris joined the Westmead community.


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