Colombian Marists revise Constitutions
Marists of Colombia are holding a series of meetings to revise the Institute’s constitutions and statutes ahead of the next general chapter in 2017.
They first met separately in the cities of Ibagué, Armenia and the town of Chachaguí from April 29 – May 2 to discuss the Institution’s identity, mission and organisation.
They will then meet together in their annual retreat for Marists in Colombia in the town of Fusagasugá from June 30 – July 5 to revise the topics of fraternity and spirituality.
“We believe the future of the Institute is closely linked to our ability to commit to live our spirituality in a serious and profound way,” said the provincial secretary, brother Hernán Gómez Osorio.
“We not only need to provide answers to future vocations about their thirst for God, but also to help each other be rooted in our vocation,” he added on May 8.
The last general chapter in 2009 recommended a revision of the Institute’s constitutions and statutes before its next gathering. Marists of Central America and Australia are among those who have already started the process.
The Institute’s General Council created a commission in charge of overseeing the revision, which in turn created a handbook as a guide, “Stories of the Journey, Told Around the Fire.”
Marists around the world are expected to complete their revision using this guide, and then receive feedback from the commission. The final version will be presented at the next general chapter in two years.
The handbook includes five different topics, which cover the Institute’s identity, mission, fraternity, spirituality and organisation.
Colombia’s Marists first encounter in Ibagué, Armenia and Chachaguí included the country’s 12 communities, with 51 brothers and six novitiates.
The titles of the topics of the handbook for revision are: today’s world and our identity; consecrated in mission; fraternity and belonging; spirituality; and organizational aspects of the institute: formation, admission to and separation from the institute, animation, government and management.