2023-09-19 GENERAL HOUSE

Commission completes work on the Revision of In the Footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat

In 2021, a commission was appointed by the Superior General and his Council to revise the document “In the Footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat”, about Marist Educational Mission, approved in 1998 (PDF: EnglishEspañol | Français | Português). That revision reached an exciting milestone on September 7, when the international team presented the final work to the General Council, meeting in plenary session. With this meeting, the commission concluded its work. The virtual meeting was a moment of gratitude, reflection and vision for the future. The General Council has received the text and will now review and approve it. The revised document will then be published.

The document “In the Footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat”, which serves as an orienting guide for all Marist educational institutions, had been in the process of revision as of May 25, 2021, when the commission met for the first time. The task force sought to update and enrich the document to reflect the contemporary values and challenges facing Marist education.

During the meeting with the General Council, the team highlighted the achievements and presented a summary of the changes and proposals made and highlighted key areas that had been strengthened. Among other aspects, they highlighted the inclusion of a stronger focus on inclusive education, the promotion of environmental sustainability and the adaptation to the technological challenges that have transformed education in recent years. It is noteworthy that in the preparation of the new document, Champagnat Marists in different parts of the world were consulted for their opinion on the proposal.

The closing meeting was attended by members of the team and others who collaborated in the composition and revision of the text presented to the General Council.

These were the members of the Commission: The members of the team are the following: Adriana Kampff (Brasil Sul-Amazônia), Amaya Espuelas (Ibérica), Br. Ángel Diego García (General Administration), Bartolomé Gil Garre (Mediterránea), Br. Ben Consigli (General Council), Ceciliany Alves Feitosa (Brasil Centro-Sul), Br. Hank Hammer (United States), Joan Palma (East Asia), John Robinson (Australia), Brother Luis Carlos Gutierrez (General Council), Brother Michael De Wass (South Asia), Brother Nchang Cho (Afrique Centre-Est), Brother Salvador Hidalgo (Compostela) and Brother Valdícer Fachi (General Administration). Brothers Carlos Alberto Rojas and Mark Omede, directors of the Secretariat for Education and Evangelization until December 2022, coordinated the team.

Brothers Carlos Alberto Rojas and Mark Omede, directors of the Secretariat for Education and Evangelization until December 2022, coordinated the team.

Along the way, Brother Joseph McKee (West Central Europe) was invited as an advisor to the process and, in the final phase, Brother Jeffrey Crowe (Star of the Sea) and Brother Carlos Martin Hinojal (Ibérica) provided support in the area of translation.


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