Committee of Mission
The Committee of Mission held its second meeting from Nov. 20 – 24 at the Institute’s general house. The objectives of this meeting were:
- To develop a good understanding of the calls and documents of the XXII General Chapter.
- Reflect and suggest ideas on how the Mission Committee can help develop, in a general way, the calls and suggestions of the General Chapter, as it concerns Mission.
- Discuss aspects of the New Models Project as it concerns Mission and prepare proposals for the new General Council: – Operational Model for Marist Mission; – Articulation of the Models with the General Administration, the Regions and inter-regional dynamics; – Legal and financial structure for Mission: sustainability and vitality, etc.
- Plan the activities of the Committee in the short and medium term and assign some responsibilities.
- Join actively in the celebration of FMSI’s tenth anniversary and in the celebration of International Children’s Day.
The Committee of Mission, nominated by the former general council in January, replaced the International Mission Commission. Its task is to advise the general council in all that concerns Marist mission.
The meeting was attended by Brothers Ernesto Sánchez (superior general), Luis Carlos Gutiérrez (vicar general), Óscar Martin Vicario and Víctor Manuel Preciado (general councillors), Libardo Garzón (bursar general), Gregorio Linacero (America Central), Marciano Guzmán (Mediterranea), Ador Santiago (East Asia), Carlos Alberto Rojas Carvajal and Mark Omede (Secretariat of Mission directors); and the following lay people: Frank Malloy (Australia), Mike Greeff (Southern Africa), Paulo Sirino (Brasil Centro- Sul), Marzia Ventimiglia (FMSI director), Luca Olivari (New Models Project).