Communication to the whole Institute
In these days as we move towards the beginning of the General Conference, which will take place in Notre Dame de L’Hermitage from September 8th to the 28th, I am sending out this family communication regarding Br. John Klein’s request to resign from the General Council for health reasons, which he submitted at the beginning of July.
You will certainly all recall that at the beginning of April of last year, while he was visiting Australia, Br. John Klein suffered a stroke or a cerebral-vascular accident. Although the symptoms were initially quite alarming, a prompt medical intervention enabled a fairly rapid recovery.
As soon as it was possible, he travelled to the United States where all necessary tests were run to determine the cause of the stroke. Finally, an atrial septal defect in his heart was identified for which he later underwent surgery in May of 2012; however, there was no absolute certainty that that condition was the real the cause of the problem.
Since then, Br. John has been undergoing regular medical check-ups. At present, although his neurological recovery has been good, he experiences a clear reduction in his physical capabilities. In addition, as I said, there are still doubts about the cause of the stroke and the doctors say chances are it could occur again as unexpectedly as the previous one.
For all these reasons, and following a long process of prayer and discernment, Br. John has decided to present his resignation, since he believes he no longer has the necessary physical conditions to carry out his responsibilities as a General Councillor.
I know this has not been an easy decision for John, in light of how seriously he takes the responsibilities entrusted to him, and, as he stated in his letter of resignation, given the affection that has grown among us over these last four years.
The members of the General Council and I have, however, accepted his resignation since we understand very well the reasons behind it. At the same time, it is not without regret at seeing a good brother in the community and an excellent member of the team having to withdraw earlier than expected.
I wish to thank John for his wonderful service to the Institute as a member of the General Council. From the moment he was elected, he placed no limits on his commitment, offering the very best of himself; as a General Council, we have had the privilege of witnessing it, as have all of those among you who have benefitted from his presence. In the Council, he has always been a very positive, enthusiastic and joyful person who has enriched us through the wisdom of his experience in many different areas. Many thanks John!
Br. John will continue in office until September 15th, when he will withdraw from his service as a General Councillor.
I would like to take this opportunity to ask all of you to pray in a special way for those of us who will gather at l’Hermitage for the General Conference. May this truly be a time of grace for the Institute as we continue on our journey towards the bicentenary of our foundation.
Let us entrust each other to the tenderness of Mary, our Good Mother.
Emili Turú – Superior General
Rome, 30 August 2013