2013-03-10 KENYA

Conference of Superiors of the African Continent

After their Annual General Meeting  which was held in Nairobi (11th – 13th February 2013), the Conference of Superiors of the African Continent  invited Br. Javier Espinoza from the Secretariat of the Laity (Rome) for a Workshop on “Lay Marists in the Institute.” It started on 17th February (in the afternoon) and concluded on 18th February 2013.

It was not only an experience rich in its content but also it was an opportunity to learn from each other’s experiences. Overall, three points capture our attention: first and foremost, it raised awareness on the topic and all the participants appreciated very much the input and material that was made available; secondly, it provided an understanding of this new relationship between Brothers and Lay people in such a way that a change of mentality, of attitude and of practice was envisaged and, last but not least, the Provincials and District Superior of West Africa set up a Regional Commission for Africa and Madagascar.

What each of us remembers is that Marist Africa and Madagascar are ready to embark on a spiritual and experiential journey with the Laity with whom we share altogether our brotherhood and sisterhood in Christ. What we call our Marist Charism, as sons of St. Marcellin Champagnat, is a gift of God to the Church and the world and sharing the Charism with others will certainly give glory to God and bring new vitality in the Church and in the Congregation.

Participants: Br. Javier Espinosa (Bureau for Laity, Rome), Br. Joe Walton, Southern Africa (President), Br. Francis Lukong, District of West Africa, Br. Thomas Randrianantenaina, Madagascar, Br. Valentin Djawu Lungumbu Wambo, Africa Centre-East, Br. Lawrence Ndawala, Superior of MIC, Br. Spiridion Ndanga, PACE, Br. Albert Nzabonaliba, PACE Secretary.


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