2005-12-23 COLOMBIA


On the 8th December, the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, our ?Brother François? Novitiate, of the Province of Norandina, situated in Medellín (Colombia) ?was dressed to celebrate?. From the hand of Mary, we received the gift of the consecration of three novices: Javier Rosero, (27 years old), Rodrigo Martínez, (25 years old) and Francisco Javier Benavides (22 years old). In the Holy Family parish church, they pronounced their first vows, accompanied by their formators, brothers from the Province, family members, friends and members of the church community. Brother Laurentino Albalá, Provincial of ?Norandina?, received the vows.
These three young men, who have committed themselves for the work of the Kingdom through Marist life, have followed a process of discernment, formation and commitment which started five years before when they took their first steps in Marist life: Aspirancy in Pasto, Postulancy in Manizales and the Novitiate in MedellĂ­n. The Lord Jesus came to meet them and continues to do so with a permanent invitation to follow him in ?the way of Mary?.
We give thanks to God for the gift of these three young brothers and the formators and families for their support and accompaniment.


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