2012-05-26 BRAZIL

Dialogue in the Councils and experiences of animation

The second day of the meeting began with prayer animated by the Brothers of the District of Paraguay. Br Ernesto Sánchez C.G. gave the point of departure for the morning with an evaluation of the previous day by sharing in new groups. Then Br Joe McKee V.G. offered an interesting reflection on the Provincial Council as animation team. He did it by proposing some questions to help members of the Councils to see themselves as group leaders « always in the process of fashioning something ». he also put the accent on one point : the group formed by the Provincial Council is « systemic ». he insisted equally on the Iimportance of the support received from « outside » : the « extravision ».

The meeting then touched on the ways of doing things and animation in each Provincial and District Council, and how to communicate to the Brothers, in a spontaneous way, echos about the action of a particular Council.

The afternoon opened with prayer animated by the Brothers of the Province of Norandina. Br Antonio Ramalho C.G. motivated the presentation and sharing of four experiences.

First, there was « Brasil Centro-Sul », by the Provincial, Br Joaquim Sperandio. It involved the organisation of the Province from an analysis of the abilities of the Brothers, taking into account the successes and level attained in each area. This process was achieved thanks to the external support of an enterprise which offered advice, evaluation and personal and provincial rapport.

The Province of « Cruz del Sur » presented the second experience, through its Provincial, Br Horacio Bustos. This concerned an initiative connected with the vocations situation among brothers and laity, called « the Year of the Marist disciple ».

Br Michael De Wass C.G. also presented his experience of animation as external councillor of the Provincial Council of « East Asia » (India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka). He based this on the thought of  Gandhi that through personal change one can change the world. Br Michael also spoke of his annual experience of animation with community superiors in Oceania (Australia, New Zealand and Melanesia).

It was Br Joe McKee, Vicar General, who presented the last experience. It referred to the effort of renewal undertaken by the Congregation of the Claretian Fathers, called « La Fragua » (The Forge), aimed at revitalising their religious life and missionary activity. It is an action planned and sustained by external means. After the presentation of this rich list of experiences, there began a period for group sharing: ideas, motivations, possible actions to undertake in view of these experiences.

At the end of the day, a Eucharist of thanksgiving to the Lord.

Chronicle 1 | Chronicle 2 | Chronicle 3 | Chronicle 4
Photo 1 | Photo 2 | Photo 3 | Photo 4


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