2019-08-09 GENERAL HOUSE

Diocesan Tribunal of Guadalajara

The news of the progress of Brother Basilio's cause comes from Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. The date for the completion of the history of Br. Basilio Rueda Guzmán's life, virtues and reputation for holiness is set for September 11, 2019. The Archdiocese of Guadalajara has scheduled that date for the solemn act of closing of the work of the Archdiocesan Tribunal, to be presided by Cardinal José Francisco Robles Ortega. The venue for this great event will be the Archdiocesan Chancery in Guadalajara at 1:00 p.m.

In March 2017, the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints asked for a supplement of instruction, increasing the number of witnesses to complete the work already done in the archdiocese. The court set up for this purpose has heard the testimony of 21 other witnesses from various sectors. This will satisfy the Congregation’s request.

At the end of the closing session, the acts of the process will be taken to Rome where we will have to await the decree of validity of what the diocesan tribunal of Guadalajara has done. From that moment on, the finalization of the Positio can begin.

We thank God for the valuable contribution made before the tribunal by the 21 new witnesses who testified to the reputation of the Servant of God Basilio Rueda for his holiness of life. And let us hope that very soon the work to finalize the Positio can begin.


Br. Antonio Martínez Estaún, Postulator General


Letter from Aleppo N. 36...

