2014-11-07 PHILIPPINES

District of Asia




When I saw the group of new postulants in Davao, I felt a deep sense of gratitude not only to God and our good Mother, but also to every Brother and Lay Marist who are part of this wonderful adventure. Six years ago, all this was just a dream. We were a group of Brothers filled with dreams, and doubts. Going to new lands, experiencing new cultures and living new ways of community life were not easy. Six years have passed, and the seeds we had sown during those times of uncertainty have begun to grow.

Now new challenges have appeared. Among them, how best to nurture young adults who are searching for meaning in their lives. A number of solutions have been presented as each community has its unique way of approaching those who are interested in the Marist vocation. Since foreigners are not allowed to live with locals in some countries, our Brothers there have invited young adults to spend time with the communities, to “come and see”, to witness and experience the Marist way of life.

After four years of planning and execution, we have finally established a formation house in the Philippines. On the 13th of August, Brothers Luís Sobrado, Paco García and Pepito Mahong welcomed 15 young men from Bangladesh an other 2 countries to the Postulancy. Initially, we wondered how we were to prepare them for an international way of life and yet at the same time, preserve their identities. Our concerns were laid to rest when months later, we saw that although they are from different countries, they share the same spirit. They are proudly, the emerging face of the Marist district of Asia. 


Br. Juan Castro, Superior of the District


Lycée Léonin...


Marist Union from Brazil (UMBRASIL)...