2015-08-07 VATICAN

Educating Today and Tomorrow. A renewing passion

From 18 to 21 November 2015, a World Congress, “Educating Today and Tomorrow. A renewing passion”, will take place in Rome under the auspices of the Congregation for Catholic Education.

The inspiration for the Congress derives from two anniversaries: the fiftieth anniversary of the Second Vatican Council’s Declaration Gravissimum Educationis and the twentyfifth anniversary of the Apostolic Constitution Ex Corde Ecclesiae. These documents are our starting-point for relaunching the Church’s dedication to education.

Participation in the Congress is open to all those involved in the educational mission of Catholic schools and universities throughout the world. Our aim is to reflect on the contribution that the Christian community can make to education globally, in rapidly changing contexts that are both multicultural and multireligious. Today’s educational emergency demands that we refresh what we are offering in our formation, so as to follow our young people closely as they work at shaping their life-plans.

The Congress offers Catholic schools and universities a chance to dialogue among themselves, so as to sharpen their identity and mission, in light of the Magisterium. They will be able to examine the various groups of people that make up the educating community, confirm the need for educators’ initial and ongoing formation, and share their views on how to face up to present and future challenges. A renewing passion.

Online inscription on the website www.educatio.va (until 30 September 2015)

Further information: Organizational secretariat and press office: [email protected]


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