2019-03-01 GREECE

Education to internalization

On Saturday, February 16, the Day of Marist Formation was celebrated in the Lycée Léonin of Néa Smyrn, in Athens (Province l’Hermitage), with the theme “We share life, we imagine the future”.

This Day of Qualification was also a preparation for the Provincial Forum, to which we are all invited to freely express our thoughts, our convictions, our reflections and suggestions on Marist Life and Mission, in view of the future orientations of the Province, in the framework of the Provincial Chapter 2019.  

Approximately 350 persons were present, Brothers, teachers, and members of the administrative personnel of our two Institutions and of the two Social Centers, as well as some colleagues who represented the establishments of the Sisters of “Joan of Arc” and “Saint Joseph”.  We met together to freely express in small groups and in plenary session, the values that we share and live daily and to recognize or identify the points that need to be optimized, and give a new impulse to our educational Institutions and social Centers.   

At the beginning of the day, Br. Emili Turù, ex-Superior General, helped us to deepen on the question of the education of children and young people on the theme of internalization.

Then in small groups, we worked on the different themes, which affect Marist life and the mission in the Province of l’Hermitage.  Our objective was to meet in a fraternal environment, and as members of the Marist Family, to exchange points of view and experiences, and, at the same time imagine our future in our country and in the Province to which we belong.    

Our objective requires courage.

God calls us to bee Champagnat at this time.


Br. Mateos Levantinos – Presidente del Consejo de Misión Marista de Grecia.

Photos in FaceBook


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