Eight Brothers ready for their final commitment
From the 31st of May to the 31st of July 8 Brothers from the District of West Africa, seven from Cameroon and one from Ghana, gathered together in Cape Coast in Ghana to prepare themselves for their final commitment.
The programme was organized to suit the needs of the final stage of the initial formation. Indeed it was very enriching because it covered a wide range of topics such as; knowledge and acceptance of self, faith development, vocational discernment, relationship with superiors amongst others.
Competent resource persons were selected and they presented the various topics so well that the Brothers felt particularly challenged on so many aspects of their lives.
Fr. Isidore, sj, was the course director.
At the end of the experience, the Brothers expressed their gratitude: “we are grateful to the District Superior, Br Francis Lukong, for having thought about such a program because we are renewed and re-energized for the mission ahead. We are also grateful to the formidable Jesuit community at Claver House who facilitated the program for us.”
They also put their experience and future mission in the God’s hands: “We are grateful to God for all the blessings which we received during our stay at the Claver House. As we prepare for our final profession, we pray and ask our good Mother Mary to intercede for us so that we may be able to faithfully carry out the mission entrusted to us within the Lord’s vineyard.”