2015-07-09 GENERAL HOUSE

Encounter could lead to possible changes

Representatives of the Marist world are meeting with the general council in Rome to discuss a project that could lead to changes within the Institute, ahead of its upcoming general chapter in 2017.

“My wish is that this meeting with the provincials results in a consensus on the proposals that the general council will present the assembly with, and to find the best ways of implementing them,” said brother João do Prado, who is involved in the project ‘new models of animation, governance and management.’

The general council is meeting with 23 provincials, 6 district superiors, and one more representative for each administrative unit from July 10 – 14 to present them with the project’s proposals for possible modifications.

The general council created a commission in 2012 titled ‘new models of animation, governance and management’ with the aim of improving the running of the Institute. 

The general council entrusted the Institute’s secretariat of mission, headed by brothers João and Miguel Angel Espinosa Barrera, with a project to draw up proposals for changes alongside the commission.

According to br João, also a member of the commission, the two most important proposals for the Institute are “how to better work globally and the corresponsibility of laity and brothers within the mission.”

“Some of the changes require the approval of the general council, others require a change in the constitutions, but some can already be implemented,” br João told the communications office of the general house on July 7.

The commission is made up of some members of the general council, the secretariat of mission and representatives of different provinces. The ‘project team’ was created to help them in carrying out their work.

“The commission focuses more on discernment and accompanying more closely the work being done, while the project team works alongside two members of a management consulting firm to advise us on how to better re-organize the Institute,” br João explained.

Ahead of the meeting, the project team drew up the proposals during an encounter with the general council and the directors of the Institute’s five secretariats from June 30 July 3 in Rome.

Internacional Commission

  1. João Carlos do Prado
  2. Josep Maria Soteras
  3. Victor Preciado
  4. Libardo Garzón
  5. Gabriel Villa-Réal
  6. Michael Green

"Project Team"

  1. João Carlos do Prado
  2. Miguel Angel Espinosa
  3. Jose Maria Sanz
  4. Peter McNamara
  5. Carlos Alberto Rojas
  6. Luca Olivari (Consultor)
  7. Francesco Fusco (Consultor)

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