2015-05-01 SPAIN

Encouraging us in our faithfulness to the Marist project

A group of about 40 elderly Brothers of the various Provinces of Europe held a meeting in Valladolid during Easter week, experiencing days of sharing and coexistence. The Fifth Centenary of Saint Teresa has given us the opportunity to discover this Saint (with an approach to the experience of Champagnat) and is letting us be enlightened by her in the challenges of being prophets and mystics today. Sharing experiences of the Marist mission of retired Brothers and everyone’s involvement in the meeting’s development has created an atmosphere of family and fraternity, and has renewed our commitment to the Marist mission in our daily lives.


Somehow, we have joyfully experienced one of the challenges that Br Emili Turú proposed to us in his circular ‘He gave us the name of Mary’: “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, on our path towards the bicentenary, we could feel enthusiasm and a sort of collective infection, encouraging one another in our faithfulness to the Marist project?”


Br Antonio Leal


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