2013-02-20 COLOMBIA

Entry of new novices

We have the joy to announce that on Saturday 2 February, the community of the Interprovincial Novitiate « La Valla » marked the official entry of the new novices : Henry Danilo Hurtado (Ecuador), Duberney Giraldo (Colombia), Juan David Páez (Colombia) and Henry Araujo (Venezuela).

Numerous Brothers participated at the Eucharistic celebration, including the  Provincial, Libarado Garzón, Alberto Rojas, Provincial Councillor, the Brothers of the Santo Domingo community : Hugo Tapia, Orlando Muñoz, Héctor Colala, José Elber Peñuela, and the postulant Héctor Tusarma (who is doing his community experience), the Brothers of the novitiate community : Marco Antonio Vargas (Master of Novices), Rafael Pesca (Sub-Master) and Julián Olmo (Econome), and the other novices : Sebastián Herrera, Juan Pablo Muñoz and Juan Bolaños.

The celebration was presided over by Fr Germán Zapata. It was marked by an  ambiance of fraternity and sharing based on the vocational journey of those present, who encouraged the novices and invited them to face the challenges inherent in this new stage of formation with courage and hope.

All these young men, having perceived the loving call of God in their lives, have committed themselves to living this time with much joy, depth, ardently desiring to accept this step as a time of consolidation of their vocation and of passion for Jesus and his Kingdom.

Br Libardo expressed his great joy at meeting young men who wish to follow Jesus in the manner of Mary within the Marist Family.

Like Marcellin Champagnat, we are profoundly grateful to our good Mother for the gift of these new vocations for our Province of « Norandina » and, as a formation community, we ask her to guide us and enlighten us so that we may know how to accompany their vocational journey in an adequate way, so that they can say a resolute and generous ‘yes’ to the Lord’s call and be a living image of Father Champagnat in their lives. We render thanks to God also for the witness of life of the Brothers who accompanied these young men up to their entry to the novitiate ; and finally thank you to their families who, by their support and witness, have made possible the blossoming of these vocations.

The celebration continued at table, with a simple fraternal sharing.



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