Extended General Council Meeting – 4
Friday 19th November.
Today also, the Word of God set the direction for the day?s work. The angel of the Apocalypse told John to take the book and to eat it. It was as sweet as honey in John?s mouth but it turned his stomach sour. He was told: ?You are to prophesy again.?
Seán?s message to the members of the assembly was set in the same direction even though it was in different words. He recalled that the brothers had shown their confidence in them when they had elected them to represent them and so, for this reason, they must commit themselves to their mission with courage, zeal and determination. It is more important to look to the future and to believe in the value of our Marist mission than to only reflect on our limitations. And who better than Marcellin to be a model for our journey? Who else can inspire us with the courage and give us the strength to move forward in order that we can enthuse and care for our brothers so that they can live life to the full? Marcellin is a model of decision and courage, but he is also a man of compassion who can be close to us and invite us to continue on our journey.
The rest of the day was given to meetings: in the whole assembly, in small groups and then again in the whole assembly.
The most common words that we heard many times were: refoundation, renewal, regionalisation, future ? words to which only prophets can give meaning, but also words that often disturb the peaceful life of those who no longer expect anything from life.
Today, we are urged especially to open our spirits and our hearts to listen to the words of the Holy Spirit and to allow God to continue to build something beautiful for Him and for the brothers in North America.
To say that a Province has problems is to say the obvious. To say that a Province can catch a glimpse of a better future is to say that we must roll up our sleeves for work, knowing well that God is working with us to build the house.