2004-11-23 UNITED STATES

Extended General Council Meeting – 5

Saturday 20th November.
The icon of the two disciples on the way to Emmaus expresses clearly the spirit of the last day of the meeting between the General Council and the two Provincial Councils of Canada and the United States of America.
The events that had occurred in Jerusalem had sown fear and despair in the hearts of the two disciples. The vigour and the enthusiasm with which they had followed the Master had vanished, their ideals had collapsed and sadness had not only invaded their hearts but was obvious on their faces. Disillusioned, they were returning to their former villages to take up once more their former jobs. A chapter of their life had been closed. Then, there was an unexpected encounter, a companion explained to them what had happened and gave them a new way of reading the situation, thus giving them courage and reviving their hope. And so it was that: TIRED OF WALKING, THEY STARTED TO RUN.
The tiredness disappeared, they found once again the strength to take up their pilgrimage of announcing that he who was dead, had risen and was indeed alive. They were witnesses to this!

In reality, the brothers did not come to Maryknoll disillusioned and without enthusiasm. They certainly brought with them a precious cargo: the life of their brothers with its richness and its fragility.
Thanks to this meeting with the General Council and the brothers, all could better understand each one?s situation, and widen their own horizons so as not to see their own experience as the absolute. Seán?s words fired everyone?s heart and convinced all to return to their homes to announce what they had seen and experienced, to share life.
Someone could be astonished perhaps in seeing their faces and hearing their voices talk about their lived experiences. Didn?t they say that the apostles were drunk? Anyone who is astonished would do well to look at his or her own watch to see if it has stopped at Good Friday while their alarm clock is already singing Handel?s Alleluia! The participants are returning to their homes with the certitude that Marist life still has a future in North America, even if they understand that in order to be resurrected, it is necessary to die.

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Extended General Council Meeting - 4...


Passion for Christ, Passion for Humanity...