2019-06-07 BRAZIL

Facilitating the process of integration of immigrant children

The Marists of Brazil, joined with the Consolata Parish and the Institute of Migration and Human Rights to create "Project of Migrant Children and Human Rights", aided by the Marist Union of Brazil, the Province of Brazil Sul-Amazonia, the Marist Centre for the Defence of the Children  and Avesol. The initiative is a response to the migratory phenomenon – almost 75 thousand Venezuelan have requested the regularisation of the situation in Roraima, between 2015 and 2018 -, but, mainly, it is a way of protecting the children who are most vulnerable in the migration process. 

The project wishes to facilitate the process of child integration in the local community, and is in response to the analysis carried out by institutions that look after the needs of the children who take part, direct or indirectly, in the actions of Parish Consolata. 

As part of the project, the promoters of this initiative carried out a professional formation, on the 16th  and 17th of May, 48 hours of actual formation and 64h of distance learning, directed towards educators and volunteers. 

The volunteers will assist every day in the welcome space and will act evaluate the identities of the assisted children. 

The days of formation were very important in finding out the limits of the educators, there notions of inherent topics of the legislation, and how the work of an educator goes beyond mere attention to the child. 

Hellenic Cecília, pedagogue of the Marist Centre of Defence of the Child, says that the Project Children in Movement and Human rights aspires to assisting migrant and Brazilian children, especially, the street children, in the area of the Parish Consolata". And she adds, also: "We worry about the children who arrived accompanied by their mothers to present the documentation. And this space of informal education, will be able to improve the life of these children ".


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