2017-07-03 GENERAL HOUSE

Farewell celebration held in honour of Iolanda Gallo

On June 26, the General Administration held a farewell celebration for Iolanda Gallo who retired on June 30 after 24 years working for the Institute.

“I always thought that this day would never come but it has,” said Iolanda, who has worked as the portress of the General House since 1993. “It kind of hurts my heart to leave you all here.”

In his speech at the garden of the General House, Superior general Brother Emili Turú told staff and members of the General Administration that she has spent over a third of her life at the Institute.

“She is a person who has seen and heard so many things and she’s seen the time pass, especially in communications with the post, then fax and eventually emails,” Br Emili told.

Br Emili recalled the anecdote of the day Iolanda received a phone call from Cameroon claiming “a Brother Emili Turú” was in hospital and needed money urgently, but she knew he was at the General House.

“This will be a new beginning for you, which we hope will be joyful and beautiful,” he told Iolanda, who is moving to Marseille, France, to live with her sister.

Iolanda, who has probably been the first female staff with a visible place at the General House, has met four superiors general as well as hundreds of Brothers, laity and visitors.

Br Emili gave Iolanda a statue of our Good Mother with the hope that “a Marist spirituality accompanies her” and read her a traditional Irish blessing.

“May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”


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