2017-06-04 GENERAL HOUSE

Feast of Saint Marcellin

The Institute’s Bicentenary has been celebrated in the administrative units throughout the year. The date that was chosen to celebrate this anniversary, at the general house is June 6, the feast of Saint Marcellin Champagnat.

The general council has invited around 160 people for this celebration.

It will include three special moments: the presentation of the three volumes of the book ‘History of the Institute,’ a photographic exposition titled “A look on Marist life in the Bicentenary of the Institute” and a Eucharistic celebration presided by Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life.

The message sent a few days ago by superior general Brother Emili Turú, helped us to prepare for this celebration.

You can follow the news of the celebration of the feast of Saint Marcellin through #MillionMarists.




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