Feedback of the XXII General Chapter
A survey with feedback on the XXII General Chapter that was held in Rionegro, Colombia, from Sept. 8 – Oct. 20 is now available.
Eighty-eight of the 116 Brothers and laity that took part in the Chapter (79 capitulants, 16 guests and 21 of the support team) completed the survey, which ran last November and December.
The topics that the survey covered were the Chapter process, the fact that it was held outside Rome, the venue (Casa de encuentros De La Salle), the Chapter’s resources, and a general evaluation of the Chapter.
Participants rated the general evaluation of the Chapter a 4.5 out of 5, one being the lowest score and five, the best.
The place of the meeting and the fact that it was held outside of Rome was much appreciated by the participants. Results also showed there was insufficient time to work on the Constitutions and the Rule of Life.
The general government is pleased by the great satisfaction expressed by the participants and by the success of the XXII General Chapter, held in Colombia. It is sure that it was the movement of the Spirit that helped the Marists of Champagnat to enter into this new beginning of the Marist charism.
To download the complete survey, click below on the desired language: