Final Profession of Brother Juan Sebastián Herrera Salazar
On March 19th, the Marist Brothers of the Province of Norandina celebrated the Final Profession of Brother Juan Sebastián Herrera Salazar in the chapel of the Champagnat Institute in Pasto, Colombia.
The ceremony was presided over by Fathers Fernando Mesa and Carlos Eduardo Correa. Brother Julián Olmo Miguel, delegate of the Brother Superior General, Ernesto Sánchez, received the vows. “In the name of the Superior General and in the company of the Brothers of the Province and the Institute, I welcome you to our Marist Family as a perpetually professed Brother,” expressed Brother Julián, after thanking him for his consecration, also in the name of Brother Orlando Escobar, Provincial of Norandina.
Brothers, lay people and family members of Brother Juan participated in the celebration. Virtually Marists from different countries and communities also attended. Before entering the Marist Brothers, Brother Juan Sebastián studied at the Colegio Marista de Cristo, in Manizales, and, after graduating in 2005, he continued his Marist formation and entered the novitiate in Medellín. In 2013, he made his first vows. Currently he works as an educator in the Champagnat Institute in Pasto.