2016-06-17 GENERAL HOUSE

First draft and consultation form of the revision of the Constitutions

The Commission for the Revision of the Constitutions sent a First Draft of the revision and a consultation form, for all Provinces and districts to complete and send by Sept. 30.

This first draft does not include a complete revised text, but rather just the first two chapters as part of an experimental trial. 

The feedback will help to determine the shape of the second draft, which will be a revision of all of the chapters of the Constitutions and Statutes.

The Commission recommends that Provinces and Districts discuss the first draft within two community meetings. 

The first meeting could aim to present the draft and the second to discuss and gather ideas, appointing a secretary to type up a summary and send it to [email protected] on the provided electronic file PDF. 

The Commission cannot guarantee proper treatment of the contributions submitted in other formats. It strongly recommends using the PDF sent to submit the recommendations of the communities or personal ones.

One can make as many copies as needed of the "Form for responses", one for each group or person that participates in the consultation.

The Constitutions’ Commission is working closely with the General Chapter Preparatory Commission to ensure a coordinated preparation process.

After the consultation form of the first draft of the constitutions is sent back by September, the General Chapter Commission will sent out a chapter consultation to be worked on between October  2016 and January 2017.

The consultation of the second draft of the constitutions will then be sent for Provinces and districts to work on between February and June 2017.

The Constitutions’ Commission will then prepare a third draft from July to August 2017, which will be presented at the XXII General Chapter.

The Commission’s members are Brothers Tony Clark, Eduardo Navarro, Albert Nzabonaliba, Antonio Peralta and Josep M. Soteras. The General Council has appointed Brother Sebastião Ferrarini of the Sul-Amazonia Province as member of the Commission in place of Brother António Leal, who had to renounce this post for health reasons.  

Please email the consultation form to [email protected] by Sept. 30.

Read more: http://www.champagnat.org/const/


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