2023-03-20 BRAZIL

First meeting of the America Sur Region’s Laity Network

Representatives from the 5 Marist Provinces of the America Sur Region participated in the first regional meeting of the Region’s Laity Network held at the Marist house in San José, Uruguay from March 8 to 11. At the meeting were present 15 people from 7 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay.

The objective was to project the path of the Marist Laity in the region, based on the reports on the reality of the laity of each province (Cruz del Sur, Santa María de los Andes, Brasil Central-Sul, Brasil Central-Norte and Brasil Sul-Amazonia).

During the meeting, they reflected on the themes of the International Forum on the Lay Marist Vocation and defined strategies and lines of work that allow generating synergy for the coming years, mainly in the action plan for the next biennium.

The group studied the processes of animation of the Marist lay vocation inherent to the itineraries of formation, accompaniment, human resources, and experiences. These actions and projects aim to increase the vitality of the Marist charism in the region, in addition to promoting integration between the Administrative Units.

The objectives of the America Sur Region’s Laity Network defined during the event are:

  • Strengthen the processes of lay animation in each Province.
  • Generate synergy for the formation and accompaniment of lay processes.
  • Strengthen the sense of belonging to a global Marist family.

The coordinator of the Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family of the Brasil Centro-Sul Province, Josmari Pauzer, highlighted the rapprochement of the groups of the America Sur Region after the pandemic, and the importance of sharing experiences: “Our discussions and reflections highlight what is common to all when we look at our challenges, needs and strengths. This has been a moment to listen, share and make fruitful exchanges with the intention of generating lines of work that can benefit the Marist Laity of the Region,” she emphasized.


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