First Profession at Marist Brothers Pacific Novitiate in Lomeri
On Saturday, June 20th, Brothers Ienraku Temoai and Ieremia Karekennatu made their first Profession of Vows as Marist Brothers of Champagnat. Br. Kees van der Weert, Country Coordinator of the Marist Brothers in Fiji, received their vows on behalf of the Superior General. The Mass of Profession was celebrated by the Parish Priest of Lomeri, Fr. Beniata Korintetaake (MSC). Like Ienraku and Ieremia, Fr. Beniata is also an I-Kiribati national.
Government Covid-19 restrictions meant that numbers at each on site venue were limited to 20 people, so the normally overflowing chapel looked decidedly empty. Br. Jone Seduadua, the Novice Master, was well supported by the Champagnat Marist group in the Lomeri Parish. They attended to the preparations and decorations, the choir, the cultural ceremonies, as well as the luncheon feast. The numbers may not have been there, but the Marist Spirit certainly was.
Now Br. Ienraku and Br. Ieremia move to their Post Novitiate studies in Suva.
Pictured from Left to Right: Br. Fergus Garrett, Br. Jone Seduadua, Br. Ieremia Karekennatu, Fr Beniata Korintetaake, Br. Ienraku Temoai, Br. Kees van der Weert.