FMSI Meyrin Community move to their new house in France
Due to the magnificent generosity of the Provincial and Council of the Hermitage Province, the FMSI community has moved into its new home in France. Previously the community had been renting accommodation from the parish of Meyrin in Switzerland but now with the purchase of the house by the Hermitage Province, we are living just 5 km inside the border in France and only a 10 minute walk to the nearest bus stop. Once on the bus it is only 30 minutes to our office in Geneva. The house, which belongs to the Hermitage Province, signals a long-term commitment by the Province and the Institute to the work of FMSI in the defence of children’s rights.
The house has three levels and provides ample accommodation and much needed space for the community. There are 6 bedrooms and the potential for a 7th, so now we can welcome visitors to stay with us overnight, which was a major problem in our previous place. There is even a room for a small chapel downstairs. With a big back yard there is plenty of work to keep us busy outside office hours.
Once again, many thanks to Br Maurice Berquet and his Council for making the funds available to buy the house and make it available to our community.
The Prevesin-Moens community: Jean-Claude Christe, Manel Mendoza, Vicente Falqueto and Jim Jolley.
Our address and contact details are:
Freres Maristes
967 rue Des Alpes
01280 Prevessin-Moens
Ain, France
Phone: +33(0)450207268