2020-11-28 HAITI

FMSI promotes solidarity campaign in Dame Marie and Latiboliere

The Marist Brothers present in Haiti, together with FMSI, have promoted prevention campaigns against COVID-19 at Dame Marie and Latiboliere, where there is no access to the media or social networks. Similarly, the project financed by Misean Cara has also distributed food baskets and hygiene kits to the neediest families in the areas where the Marists of Champagnat are present, with 4 schools and a programme for the reintegration of restavek children (domestic workers) into school.

The communication campaign reached an average of 35,000 people through visits to the communities (with a car and a megaphone) and radio messages. And 5,940 people benefited from the distribution of food baskets and hygiene kits.

Haiti: the context in which the Marists work

Most people, especially those in rural areas, are not informed about prevention measures against the spread of Covid-19 and collective risk. Unfortunately, some information campaigns in the country do not reach this part of the population because families do not have mobile phones or access to social networks.

In recent months, due to the pandemic, poverty levels have increased. Many workers who had informal jobs or who lived from day to day are unable to support their families. A large number of the households of students in Marist schools in the Dame Marie and Latiboliere areas find themselves in this situation.

FMSI is a Foundation created by the Marist Institute for the promotion and protection of the rights of the child. FMSI carries out its mission through advocacy and lobbying activities and projects in countries where there is a Marist presence.

Misean Cara is an Irish funding body, sensitive to issues related to the rehabilitation and school reintegration of children at risk of social exclusion.


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