Fondazione Marista per la Solidarietà Internazionale
A three day workshop for the link persons of FMSI in the Marist Province and District of Oceania has just concluded in Sydney, Australia. Organized by FMSI and sponsored by the Marist Oceania Council, the workshop was designed to act as a follow up to the two week course on child rights and UN advocacy mechanisms that FMSI held in Rome in May 2012for its contact persons in the Marist administrative units around the world. The three days focused on fine-tuning the role of the link person on a day-to-day basis within their countries and developing support systems within the region.Jim Jolley, FMSI Director of Child Rights Advocacy and Training, was assisted with the presentations by Br Graham Neist and Catherine Hannon.
The 9 participants found the time very useful to consolidate their knowledge of the Universal Periodic Review (a Human Rights mechanism of the UN that FMSI uses to advocate for the rights of children in countries where there is a Marist presence) and to develop action plans as to how they can further promote the rights of children.
FMSI, through its staff in Geneva, is planning to hold similar workshops in other regions of the Marist world during 2013, beginning with link persons of the Asian region in late July.
Sitting left to right: Chris Lus (Papua New Guinea), Catherine Hannon (Australia), Louise Oliphant (New Zealand),Joseph McDonald (Australia).
Standing left to right: Jim Jolley (FMSI, Geneva), Kees Van der Weert (Fiji), Nevil Bingley (New Zealand), Patrick Kaboanga (Papua New Guinea), Graham Neist (Australia), Tony D’Arbon (Australia).