For a child to live with more dignity
Norandina province – composed of Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela – has launched an appeal with three initiatives to help fundraise money for Marist educational works in Venezuela, which is experiencing its worst socioeconomic and political crisis in history.
Venezuela has been hit hard by an economic crisis and shortages of food and medicine have become common.
Now, the Marist province of Norandina is carrying out three initiatives to help fundraise: ‘Escuela acogedora para todos: estudiar con materiales indispensables’ (A welcoming school for all: studying with indispensable materials); ‘Felicidad del compartir: un desayuno para un niño = un dólar’ (Happiness of sharing: one breakfast for one child = one dollar); ‘Quiero formarme: formarme para servir, mejor formación, mejor educación’ (Form me to serve, better formation, better education).
The objective of ‘Escuela acogedora para todos: estudiar con materiales indispensables’ is to obtain indispensable materials for the education of children and adolescents that study in free Marist schools in Venezuela.
‘Felicidad del compartir: un desayuno para un niño = un dólar’ aims at offering breakfast each day to children in need that attend one of those schools.
The ‘Quiero formarme: formarme para servir, mejor formación, mejor educación’ initiative hopes to form people to better serve children, adolescents, youth and educators.
The Institute has 17 works in Venezuela, of which 13 are free.
The money of the three initiatives will go to the free works of: Escuela Puchi Fonseca, Escuela Marcelino Champagnat in La Cañada de Urdaneta, Escuela Misael Vílchez, Escuela H. Ildefonso G., Escuela San Marcelino Champagnat in Maracay, Escuela granja Santa Catalina, Casa Peruchito en Los Teques, Medical dispensaryJosé Félix Rivas in Caracas, Medical dispensary Francisco Rivat in Maracay, Colegio San Pablo in Machiques, Formation centre San Pablo for youth outside the school system in Machiques, Formation centre Ildefonso Gutiérrez for youth outside the school system in Maracaibo, and the Formation centre San Vicente in Maracay.
You can contribute through the Marists of Norandina or FMSI.
Province Norandina:
Bank: Banco del Pichincha C.A
Quito, Ecuador
Swift code: PICHECEQ
Beneficiary’s name: Agrupación Marista Ecuatoriana
Current account number: 2100145328
Beneficiary’s address: 9 de octubre No 23-70 y Veintimilla
Bank: Banca Prossima
Beneficiary’s name: Fondazione Marista per la Solidarietà Internazionale Onlus
Current account number: 100000125288
IBAN: IT70M0335901600100000125288