Fostering communion in the American continent
The Interamerican Conference of Provincials (CIAP) took place in Curitiba from May 25 – 30.
The representatives of the 11 provincials of the continent were present to reflecto n issues related to the future of the Marist Institute, evaluate and to resume the work done up to that moment and to study how to continue the construction of the regions of Regions América Sur and Arco Norte.
Members of the Permanent Council of the CIAP, the Continental Commission of Mission, the Continental Commission of Brothers and Lay Spirituality, Continental Subcommissions and the Secretariats of the Marist Institute took part.
Several members of the general administration were also present, representing the Secretariats: Brothers Carlos Alberto Rojas and Mark Omede (Missionn), Hipólito Pérez (Brothers Today), Chris Wills (Collaboration for Mission, International) and Manel Mendoza (FMSI).
The meeting’s main objectives were:
· To provide a close and mutual follow-up by the Permanent Council and the Commissions and Subcommittees, to assist in the animation process.
· To reflect on the progress and on the next steps in the planning of the animation of the Permanent Council and of the Commissions and Subcommittees before concluding this period of animation.
· To facilitate the personal contact of those involved in the animation of Marist life in America.
· To offer recommendations to the Provincial brothers after the closing of the CIAP meeting, on animation and continental projects or their regional versions and on the support structures.
· To know the roads that are being proposed and built in the regions of America: Arco Norte and América Sur
· To foster communion with the Marist Institute through the connection of the Secretariats and Marist animation in America.
· To know and celebrate the joint path of CIAP animation in its various Commissions and Subcommittees in Marist America.