Fourvière Promise
Throughout the history of our Province, many lay people have shared with the Brothers the mission from different platforms, such as the educational, pastoral, administrative, fraternities. Many of us began to suspect that being collaborators in the mission was only a dimension of our Marist life and that our desire was to share faith, spirituality and life. We felt that God called us to live our vocation as Christians through the Marist spirituality, therefore, if it is a call it would imply for us to carry out a personal discernment process to respond with conviction to this call.
This is how in 2015 the itinerary of lay vocational accompaniment was launched, with personal accompaniment as a tool for vocational discernment. Many of us lay people saw this proposal with enthusiasm and, together with Brothers who decided to be witnesses of our journey, we launched ourselves in the search for God’s will. Throughout these years we verified that the process has allowed us to know ourselves in our weaknesses and strengths, we have become aware that Jesus must be the centrality of our life, and we can confirm that Marist spirituality gives consistency and meaning to the project of our lives.
Aware of our journey and its implications, we asked our Provincial, that our path be validated and accepted through a public expression recognised by the Province. That is why on November 28 and December 8, 42 lay people from El Salvador and Guatemala, in front of the Marist community, took a step forward in our path of vocational discernment and proclaimed our Fourvière Promise, as an expression of our commitment to continue in a process of personal discernment that we hope will culminate with the public expression of connection with the Marist charism to belong to this great charismatic family.
We entrust ourselves to Mary, she who does everything among us, so that our path is solid, committed and contributes to the new beginning for Marist life wherever God asks us to flourish.
Nohemy Pinto
Jesus, Lord of our lives and of history.
Mary, dawn of the new times,
we thank you because always
you have done everything among us
and this is still the case today.
in a conscious and free way,
proclaim in community, my Fourviere promise, with the desire and firm
commitment to continue my process
of discernment as a lay with a Marist vocation.
We place ourselves confidently
in your hands and we abandon ourselves to your tenderness.
You, source of our renewal,
accompany our fidelity, Amen.