2016-06-23 GENERAL HOUSE

From Marlhes to the world (1789-1907)

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The general council, through the Commission of the Patrimony, promotes the publication of the Institute’s history. It will be an instrument to mark the Bicentennial celebration of our Foundation. It is a work in three volumes, which will be published in the Studia collection.

The first volume (From Marlhes to the world (1789-1907)), written by Br André Lanfrey, comprises Marist history until 1907. It is now available in three languages (Spanish, French and Portuguese). The English translation is being finalised and will be published soon.

The second volume (1908-1985, Br André Lanfrey) will be published at the end of this year. The third volume (1985-2017, Br Michael Green) will be published next year.



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