2007-01-02 SOUTH KOREA

From the 18th to the 21st December 2006

The District of Korea was, for a few days, the centre of interest of Marist life in Asia, hosting the Extended General Council Meeting for this region of the Institute.
The participants in this assembly felt, from the very first moments, the extraordinary spirit of welcome from the brothers of the District. The ?Saint Lazarus? retreat house, one hour from Seoul, was magnificently decorated by the brothers and the postulants, changing it for a few days into a Marist house: in the common places we found the logo of the Institute with pictures of Father Champagnat and phrases from our Constitutions or from our Founder?
As with all Extended General Council Meetings, this one had as its principal aim the meeting and the joint work of the General Council with the Provincial, District and Sector Councils of the region. On this occasion, throughout the four days from the 18th to the 21st December, the principal focus was situated in the refoundation of the current three Provinces: China, Philippines and Sri Lanka and Pakistan, and one District, Korea into two Provinces.
A total of thirty-two brothers participated in this meeting: seven from the General Council; five from the Province of China; five from the Philippines; five from Sri Lanka and Pakistan; two from India; four from Korea; and four invited brothers: two from Japan and two from the Consultative Committee of the mission ?ad gentes? project.

Thanks to the work done previously at the heart of the distinct Administrative Units and with the collaboration of corresponding commissions that prepared the materials, this meeting was able to concretise important aspects concerning the commencement of the two future Provinces.
Motivated by Brother Seán, who presented the refoundation not only as an administrative question but also as an opportunity for personal conversion and for extending our current frontiers, the meeting studied for a good part of the time in two groups the composition of the future Provinces.
The Provincial and District Councillors shared their vision of the future Province, their dreams and hopes, and also their concerns and fears in order to have them presented throughout the process that was starting immediately. January 2007 will be the time for launching the sondage for the appointment of the Brother Provincial for the two Provinces, leading to the formal commencement of the two Provinces with the constitution of the two Provincial Councils throughout 2007.
The brothers had to dedicate sufficient time to discussing the details of the two processes, namely the appointment of the first Provincial and the constitution of the first Provincial Chapter in order to be able to present them for approval to the Brother Superior General and his Council.
Other aspects concerning animation and government were also treated with future work yet to be done in both areas.
Theses discussions were held in an atmosphere of enthusiasm and collaboration.

Open Forum
Time was given to an open forum for interaction with the Brother Superior General and his Council.
Among the subjects discussed was the agreement to celebrate a meeting of the General Council with young people from Asia in September 2007 in the Philippines.

Meeting with the brothers of the District
The afternoon of the 20th December started with a visit to the Museum of the History of Korea which gave a good opportunity to embrace the antique and rich history of this nation and it finished with a familial meeting with the brothers of the District.
This celebration of the Marist family started with a shared discussion followed by a dinner during which there was a rich exchange with the postulants, novices and brothers of Korea.
Finally, each participant received a small souvenir of the country, made in the house where the brothers look after children and young people with handicaps.

Mission ad gentes
The final day was dedicated to the subject of Mission ?ad gentes?, especially as its focus will be Asia.
Brothers Luis Sobrado and Michael Flanigan informed the Assembly about everything that was being finished up until this moment, as well as future plans. There was also time for consultation with relation to distinct points that are going to be submitted soon to the General Council.
One of the most discussed subjects was the administrative structure that is to be adopted for the brothers and communities sent ?ad gentes? in Asia, as this needs to be in close harmony and dialogue with the current and future Administrative Units.

Brother Seán closed the Extended General Council Meeting for Asia during the afternoon of the 21st December, thanking each and every one of the participants for their participation and active and constructive presence, and he invited all to follow in the footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat: an audacious and courageous man whose confidence in God and in the Good Mother helped him to overcome all difficulties. He recalled the call of Pope John Paul II to make Asia a priority for evangelisation, especially as some of the poorest countries of the world are found there.
Great things are happening in Asia; not only thanks to the mission ?ad gentes? project but also to the audacity and generosity of the actual brothers of this continent. Undoubtedly, this is the dawning of a new day for the realisation of the dream of Father Champagnat in this part of the world.


?O Crux ave, spes unica?...


Echoes of El Escorial...