From the peripheries to the centre
During the first weeks of August, the General Council made a contact visit to the communities of the District of Asia and East Timor. It was a symbolic gesture: during the first joint visit as leaders of the Institute, the Superior General and his Council wanted to stress the vision that will mark the coming years of animation, “from the peripheries to the centre.”
Brothers Luis Carlos Gutiérrez, vicar general, and João Carlos do Prado, general councillor, briefly describe the impression of their visit to Bangladesh and India.
We had a beautiful experience of fraternity, contact with the different local realities and of the Marist life and mission in Talit, West Bengal, India, and in the cities of Mymensingh and Giasnogor, in Bangladesh.
We had meetings and interviews, in all the communities, with the brothers who wanted to. In accordance with the reality of each place, it was possible to listen to young people with a Marist vocation and volunteers who were doing some sort of experience in the community. We also had the opportunity to visit the local bishops.
In Bangladesh, in the cities of Giasnogor and Dhaka, it was possible to visit and share the work with the Marist Missionary Sisters.
We are very grateful for the excellent welcome they gave us everywhere and for the openness and availability in helping us to know so deeply the Marist reality, as well as the social and ecclesial realities of each of the places we visited, and of the children, youth and families whom we met.
We returned to the general house with a grateful heart and touched by having been able to listen to God in each of those places we visited.
Brothers Luis Carlos Gutiérrez and João Carlos do Prado