Gathered around the same table
September 13 was a very different day in the Marist School of Bilene. It was a day dedicated to reflection among a number of students, staff and former students, with the objective of making more visible the presence of the Lay Marists in Mozambique.
From a past of great Marist presence and visibility in Mozambique, with great works such as the Marist School of Maputo and Beira. But because of the civil war suffered by the country, this presence decreased. However, the Marist flame in this country has never faded. Even during the war, with some very basic works, the Marist presence continued. And now we have a group of highly organized former students who promote social activities, such as helping the orphaned and abandoned children. But they still look for more; they look for a Marist dimension and a more visible presence in the social work in which they are engaged.
The meeting, directed by Brother Teófilo Minga, was centred on the document Gathered around the same table, concentrating especially on the three dimensions mentioned in number 34: mission, shared life and spirituality.
During individual and group study a reflection was held on how to articulate these three dimensions in the current situation of Mozambique.
All the participants want the mission that they carry out to have the Marist stamp. One of the participants expressed it in this way:
"We want to continue our work of helping these abandoned children, thinking of Champagnat and in his way of working and also in the words of the recent General Chapter that encourages us to set out in search of the most needy. We are on the right track, but we need a stronger and more regular Marist presence ".