2016-03-04 GENERAL HOUSE

General Administration

From March 1 – 5 the Extended Provincial Council is meeting in Florianopolis, Brazil, with the participation of the General Council and the governments of the six administrative units of Brazil and Cono Sur, which is now officially one of the Institute’s regions.

After the Extended Council, the animators of the AUs will meet on March 6 and 7 with Br João Carlos do Prado, Luca Olivari and Br Víctor Preciado to discuss the New Models Project.

From Feb. 25 – 26, Brothers Tony Leon and Hipólito Pérez accompanied the Brothers who are meeting in Manziana and from Feb. 29 – March 1, the Brothers meeting in El Escorial. The encounter of community animators, which will finish in April, is taking place in both houses. 


Being a bridge towards a new beginning...


Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family...