2019-11-22 SPAIN

General Design of Marist Formation

The members of the Provinces of Compostela, Ibécia, l’Hermitage and Mediterránea, which form the group of the Assembly of the Provinces with presence in Spain,  met from the 11 to 13 of November, in the Spanish Marist Conference, convoked under the title of Updating of the general Design of Marist Formation, for the period 2020 to 2026.   

The objective of the Assembly was to revise and update the interprovincial current in force framework of formation that is offered to the Provinces from the Spanish Marist Conference.  This revision is preceded by a work of evaluation in each Province and the collection of suggestions, opinions and new initiatives that a Preparatory Commission of the Assembly of Representatives has analyzed, summarized and prepared to speed up the development of the Assembly.    

The general Design of Marist formation (DGFM) is a plan of formation designed by the four Provinces to respond to the formative needs.  For the Design – that follows the exposition or approach on human resources in the Provinces – an updated competitive focus has been assumed.  This type of formation has as protagonist the Marist identity and, is fundamentally directed to personal and professional growth of educational agents, without forgetting giving attention to other competences of professional type.   

Within this context, Br. Andreu P. Sánchez, secretary of the CME, has welcomed all those convoked recalling the document Marist Educational Mission published around 1998, referring to some important aspects, such as common interest, joint responsibility, foster the growth in Marist identity through formation plans or prepare the Marist responsible ones by means of permanent formation… Brother emphasized the long path covered since then, the fruit of which is visualized in the dynamism of the works, in the commitment of the persons and in the communion around the Charism of Champagnat.

But today, new challenges are presented that transform our works and our future vision of the  Marist mission: regionalization, with the creation of European teams for the mission, the proposal of the construction of networks of Marist Schools at institutional level, the innovation and the implementation of new pedagogies, the take-off of Marist communication in a structured form, the transformation of relationships and the structures of our centers from the perspective of the rights of children…”, Br. Andreu pointed,      

For the development of the different foreseen sessions and give a response to the needs of the Marist educational works, we have worked on the following fields:   

  • Field of Initial Formation, Identity and Marian deepening.
  • Field of the Directive Function, Directive Teams and PAS Personnel of administration and Services.   
  • Field of Pastoral Ministry, MarCha and ERE
  • Field of Education for Solidarity and the Development and Educators of Social Centers
  • Field of guardianship Action of IP, SBC, and Accompaniment according to guardianship action.
  • Field of orientation function and attention to diversity.

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